

myHRdept started helping clients with the ongoing process of employing staff in 2002. HR is a complex and occasionally emotionally charged environment, but navigating through it need not be as scary or litigious as some would have you believe - if you are compliant and correctly advised. We offer a range of services that effectively outsource your HR, at as simple or as comprehensive level as you require, and we have a variety of flexible purchase options to suit every budget to give you peace of mind. The videos on this channel will provide basic employment law knowledge and advice - what must you do as an employer to be legally compliant, what must you NOT do, and up to date briefs on employment law developments. We welcome your feedback and questions about the videos and would also like to know what you would like us to cover. For more information about myHRdept.co.uk please visit www.myHRdept.co.uk, email us at enquiries@myhrdept.co.uk or call us on 01628 820515.