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Davos, World War III, Essential Books, and No Swearing | GoodFellows

Hoover Institution
Published on 25 Jan 2024 / In News & Politics

This installment of GoodFellows is devoted to audience questions—viewers and listeners putting Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, John Cochrane, and H.R. McMaster through their intellectual paces. Among the topics broached: a possible re-embrace of Western heritage; the same pre–World War I mentality that dismissed the likelihood of a global conflict potentially enabling a third world war; India and Pakistan’s economic and geostrategic outlooks; Donald Trump’s second-term objectives, should he be reelected; and Argentinian president Javier Milei’s pro-market “shock therapy” and his World Economic Forum “special address” dressing down Davos attendees. Viewers also asked: Why not a fellows’ blues band? Might Niall consider adding a little profanity to his profundity? ABOUT THE SERIES GoodFellows, a Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world. They can’t banter over lunch these days, but they continue their spirited conversation online about what comes next, as we look forward to an end to the crisis. For more on this series visit, https://www.hoover.org/goodfellows. MyHoover, a new way to stay up to date and follow your favorite Hoover content! Sign up here: https://hvr.co/3RnLBxp

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