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When Prophecy Fails

MythVision Podcast
Published on 31 Jan 2023 / In People & Blogs

When Prophecy Fails Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that the failure of early Christianity and the unfulfilled prophecies in the religion can be explained by the psychological discomfort that arises when people hold conflicting beliefs or values. According to the theory, when individuals encounter information that challenges their beliefs, they may experience psychological discomfort and try to resolve this discomfort by changing their beliefs or attitudes. In the case of early Christianity and unfulfilled prophecies, some followers may have faced cognitive dissonance when they encountered events or circumstances that were inconsistent with the predictions or expectations they had based on their religious beliefs. To resolve this discomfort, they may have revised their beliefs or reinterpreted the prophecies, or may have abandoned the religion altogether. This can help to explain why some early Christian movements failed, and why some religious prophecies remain unfulfilled even today. #mythvision #MythVisionPodcast #mvp #dereklambert

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