,1,Managing the Planet Panel Series: February 12, 2020
Oceans and the Sustainable Development Goals
Join us for a panel discussion of oceans and global sustainability. The world’s oceans and the species that live in them help regulate global weather and climate, produce much of the planet’s oxygen, and provide food, jobs, and energy for billions of people. But these benefits are threatened by pollution, ocean acidification, climate change, overfishing, and rapid development of sensitive coastal areas. This is why improved management of ocean resources is a critical step for achieving sustainability.
Our CSU panelists discuss opportunities and challenges associated with the ocean sustainability targets in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which include eliminating subsidies, minimizing acidification, ending overfishing, and expansion of marine reserves
Rebecca Gruby: Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Shane Kanatous: Department of Biology
Craig Starger: School of Global Environmental Sustainability
Jessie Creamean: Department of Atmospheric Science
Moderator: Peter Backlund, Associate Director at SoGES