In a case of reality being more absurd that fiction, South Korea is reporting that a City Hall robot has committed suicide by throwing itself down a flight of stairs...
The Watchtower streams live every Tuesday & Saturday at 6pm PST/8pm CST/9pm EST!
On this episode of Showtime! we're looking at the movie "The Matrix" and it's themes regarding artificial intelligence (AI), growing humans, powering electronics using human energy, the Gnostic religious story line, the virtual world, and more!
Showtime! is about breaking down various movies and TV shows that may be involved in predictive programming... Predictive programming is system developed by the luciferians to reveal to us ahead of time what they are planning to do to us and the world which is required by their rules.
The Watchtower streams live every Tuesday & Saturday at 6pm PST/8pm CST/9pm EST!
I believe that Christ's Second Coming will take place on the Feast of Trumpets... Let's use numbers to take a look at how this timeline will unfold and where Passover, the Abomination of Desolation & the Covenant would fall...
Satan is a very clever & cunning being... He's not only uniting faiths & religions with social justice but he's also uniting faiths & religions together in protest of the social justice... The One World Religion is forming right in front of our eyes...