,mslaw,educational video,Massachusetts school of law,9SK75TGn0jc,UCYDkoHuyBUb6yNlpGyQLQJw, Lifestyle_(sociology),Pet, channel_UCYDkoHuyBUb6yNlpGyQLQJw, video_9SK75TGn0jc,@PetcoLove #@Petcolove #Petcolove
,1,In this video we discuss the possibility of a Polynesian tribe making it to the frozen continent of Antarctica in ancient times. There are several oral traditions among the Maori that state this as factual history and historians along with scientists today say the journey could have been possible. But where are the artifacts on Antarctica to prove the Polynesians made it there long ago in history
FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Y102KyKy3Jc
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TalesOfTheOldeWorld/membership
#shorts #history #ancienthistory #antarctica #māori #archaeology