notes and references:
Zizek and Sloterdijk
Friedrich Nietzsche, the Gay Science
Justin Trudeau, Electoral Reform
3:50 catching up on the last lunar eclipse in Taurus
10:00 Aries/Libra Eclipse Cycle
the video I did on Thatcher, Foucault, Laing (Three Librans)
Marshall McLuhan - Understanding Media (The Extensions of Man)
Deleuze and Guattari
my video about Lady Cab Driver
Lasqueti Island Documentary
(correction: I incorrectly said it was by CBC, it was actually done by Global TV)
,,ws-YWj4hWok,UC6CWgitdklaofgdVwA3v31w, Lifestyle_(sociology), channel_UC6CWgitdklaofgdVwA3v31w, video_ws-YWj4hWok,notes and references:
Tony Robbins Natal Chart (Mars, Venus and Chiron in Aquarius)
“Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their children than the unlived life of the parent" - CG JUNG
James Hillman - Kinds of Power
Hillman's Natal Chart: Sun-Moon in Aries Square Pluto in Cancer, with Mars in Aquarius
Byung Chul Han - What is Power?
New Zealand Haka Protests
Ken Wilber - Integral Psychology
Recent Controversy over BC Conservative Candidate Marina Sapozhnikov
Pluralism vs Ethnocentric Traditionalism
Martin Buber "I and Thou"
,1,notes and references:
Biden's Bad Debate Performance in association with Saturn Stationing Retrograde
note: Saturn and Neptune are both Trining Bidens Scorpio Sun-Venus-Mercury-Mars in Scorpio Stellium and his Jupiter in Cancer, near his Natal IC at 19 Pisces,_Joe
Aging Dave Bowman in 2001 a Space Odyssey
Deprogrammed (Documentary, 2015)
Liz Greene - The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption
Jordan Peterson's Soviet Art Collection
Arguments Against Lawns, Lawn Naturalization, Permaculture etc
Calgary Water Crisis
Neptune and Fantasy, Fiction, Videogames (the Virtual)
,1,notes and references:
Marshall McLuhan (Understanding Media)
Indigenous Community Life vs Colonial Atomization and Individualization
The Realm of Hungry Ghosts
Canada under Pressure to Increase Military Spending or face Diplomatic Isolation
,1,notes and references:
Health as a Movement Towards Wholeness, The Etymology of Health being related to the word Whole, Carl Jung
Individual vs Dividual, "Dividuum" by Gerald Raunig (2016), Deleuze and Guattari (A Thousand Plateaus) Order vs Chaos, Fragmentation vs Healing, Mutable Signs and the reputation towards Chaos in association with Multiplicity and Change
Christian Accelerationism, Nick Land
Left Wingers are more likely to identify as being Mentally Ill
Leftist Christianity vs Right Wing Social Darwinism
Jupiter-Saturn in relation to Governmental Policy, Conservative Strategies towards Low Tax, the System of Taxation in relation to Astrology and Decimation Conditions, Saturn in an Overcoming Square to Jupiter
Private Corporations vs Publicly Owned Corporations, Taxes, Debts, Fees and Shares as forms of Division
GRR Martin vs JRR Tolkien
,1,notes and references:
Jupiter Saturn Grand Conjunctions, The Opening Square Since the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
Student who Flies to UBC from Alberta, because that is more affordable than the cost of living in Vancouver
(Note: I did not mention the problem with the Burst Water Pipe in Calgary. This is also very relevant to the Saturn-Neptune in Pisces Transits but I decided not to go into it in this video.)
STEM: Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (correction: I Incorrectly said mechanics rather than mathematics)
Challenging The Stupidity Stereotype in Mental Illness
Minority Report (2002)
,1,notes and references:
Zizek and Sloterdijk
Friedrich Nietzsche, the Gay Science
Justin Trudeau, Electoral Reform
3:50 catching up on the last lunar eclipse in Taurus
10:00 Aries/Libra Eclipse Cycle
the video I did on Thatcher, Foucault, Laing (Three Librans)
Marshall McLuhan - Understanding Media (The Extensions of Man)
Deleuze and Guattari
my video about Lady Cab Driver
Lasqueti Island Documentary
(correction: I incorrectly said it was by CBC, it was actually done by Global TV)