Jon Zherka debates the Catholic religion with an expert of the Bible who also happens to have been a pastor. Jon Zherka is a comedian. Full Debate and interview on Jon Zherka's channel. I can't say what oath do some research we are on YouTube.
,1,Streamer Jon Zherka goes through several occult concepts in a compilation of clips. Including concepts from Manly P. Hall's books, Rosicrucianism and semen retention. He also gives some manifestation concepts and Rosicrucian techniques that help with everyday life. Jon Zherka is also a comedian.
0:00 Manifestation and Karma
0:48 Satan vs Lucifer (In your everyday life)
1:26 The location of the soul
1:47 Documentary Info
2:16 Space and Star Worship
2:48 Semen Retention
3:46 Channeling the Devil (In everyday life)
4:08 What are demons? (According to one religion)
4:56 Basic Alchemical Knowledge
5:33 Why do Some hate Jesu*
6:11 Spell casting 1
6:46 Carl Jung's Synchronicity and Christianity
7:31 Backwards Review (Rosicrucian)
8:48 Carl Jung's Black and Red Books
10:32 Demons Part 2
11:56 Jake Paul
12:47 Highest Level of Wizardry (According to Manly P. Hall)
13:42 Why is this stuff important?
,1,Jon Zherka explains the forces behind depression and burnout according to many occult books. Including Magic Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism by Manly P. Hall.
,1,Jon Zherka debates the Catholic religion with an expert of the Bible who also happens to have been a pastor. Jon Zherka is a comedian. Full Debate and interview on Jon Zherka's channel. I can't say what oath do some research we are on YouTube.