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On the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 false flag Jason Goodman from Crowdsource the Truth joins me for the first time ever to discuss his investigation into the shadow state's Trump turkey shoot in Butler, PA on July 13th and the illegal migrant invasion of NYC and cities across America. Thanks for tuning in for this gripping and detailed discussion.
Show host, author and poet Mark Attwood returns to SGT Report to discuss the COLLAPSE OF THE UK into total Orwellian tyranny and much more, thanks for tuning in.
Dr. Robert Young returns to SGT Report with his latest research and the absolute truth about the abominable secret about which most folks on earth are still completely clueless.
On Saturday, July 13th the entire world dodged the bullets which were intended for the head of Donald J. Trump in an event so sinister it would have plunged the world into darkness - and it's highly unlikely that the American Republic could have ever emerged again. Officialdom has pinned the shooting on Matthew Thomas Crooks. But citizen investigators and researchers are pointing a finger at another suspect who resembles the dead man on the roof, Maxwell Yearick an Antifa member. This is the bigger picture the mainstream media is ignoring as the shadow government and big tech coverup of Dealey Plaza 2.0 continues.
Crrow777 is back with one-of-a-kind photos of our sun which Crow took himself with his new high powered state of the art telescope. And Crow explains that earth's second sun is not longer in the realm of woo, it's potentially a fact and even NASA knows about it but had covered it up. Buckle up as we delve in deep woo.
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Get your Life-saving Meds Today : Use Promo Code SAVE10 for 10% off ----------------------------------- Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA: or CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust
On the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 false flag Jason Goodman from Crowdsource the Truth joins me for the first time ever to discuss his investigation into the shadow state's Trump turkey shoot in Butler, PA on July 13th and the illegal migrant invasion of NYC and cities across America. Thanks for tuning in for this gripping and detailed discussion.
Dr. Lee Vliet and super attorney Todd Callender are back with the TRUTH about the Zionist cancer that plagues our nation and the world as we cover other current REAL news.