In 1903, a strange event occurred in a large underground tunnel in Waterloo, lowa. A bunch of elites were celebrating the construction of a "new" sewer system meant to solve the city's flooding problems. Around 450 guests enjoyed a fine dinner at this unusual banquet. But is there more to this story? Why would anyone host a massive banquet in a sewer? [Mind Unveiled]
rumble user_SusieQ4u Bizarre 1903 Underground Banquet Dinner of the Elites - Secret Tunnel Meetings by Mind Unveiled rumble_video_viz1t__qR4e
That whole phrase "caanites" seems more like canines. "Mans best friend". Not to mention some blood types can stop electrical devices. Have you ever had that happen>?
,rumble user_SusieQ4u Bizarre 1903 Underground Banquet Dinner of the Elites - Secret Tunnel Meetings by Mind Unveiled rumble_video_viz1t__qR4e,
In 1903, a strange event occurred in a large underground tunnel in Waterloo, lowa. A bunch of elites were celebrating the construction of a "new" sewer system meant to solve the city's flooding problems. Around 450 guests enjoyed a fine dinner at this unusual banquet. But is there more to this story? Why would anyone host a massive banquet in a sewer? [Mind Unveiled]