

This channel is devoted to those of you who have spent years suffering from debilitating chronic illness and may feel as though there's no chance of ever living a 'normal' life again. I have endured tremendous pain and trauma over the last decade and my goal is to use those negatives experiences and turn them into something positive that can transform the lives of many. You can read my full story here 👉 https://chrisgascoigne.co.uk/about/ Some of the topics discussed on this channel include: Dysautonomia, POTS, Gastroparesis, IBD, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and chronic fatigue syndrome 💪 **Disclaimer** The videos on this channel are intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken purely based on the information presented on this channel. I am not a trained healthcare professional; please consult with a trained healthcare physician before taking any further action.