

Hi! Auret & Jewel here. We are full-time Creators & YouTubers with an obsession for turning creativity into wealth. Here are the coles notes... Jewel and I are best buds from high school - we decided to ditch the scripted life to intentionally design a better one filled with Creativity, Freedom and Fun. This channel is dedicated to teaching you how to use your own creativity to make money online, grow your business and do what you love full-time. What you can expect to see on this channel: ✦ Money MONDAYS (How to Monetize Online) ✦ Run Your Biz TUESDAYS (Social Media, Marketing + Tools) ✦ Content Creation WEDNESDAYS (Making Profitable Content like Videos + Graphics) ✦ Thrive THURSDAYS (Our Weekly Mastermind Livestream) ✦ Fun FRIDAYS (Personal Adventures / The Odd Vlog) Subscribe to the channel, come say hi in one of our Thursday livestreams (6pm PST / 9pm EST) Welcome to the tribe. We look forward to meeting you! :)