

Sabbath Lessons: Saturdays at Noon Central time USA Bible Study: Fridays 7:00pm Central time USA New Moon Lessons: Monthly at 7:00pm Central time USA About: This is a ministry aimed at teaching those who want to be mature in the word of God and no longer remain as babes in Christ. We are a church congregation that keeps the Sabbath. This is a BIBLE BELIEVING and COMMANDMENT KEEPING church led by those chosen to be a “Nation of Priests” see Exodus 19:6 and 1 Peter 2:9. We are a teaching ministry led by someone who is trying to assure his way into the kingdom and first resurrection. One of the ways you can help yourself accomplish this is by laboring for Christ and teaching his word. For the harvest is great but laborers are few. We strive to teach as many people as possible to rightfully divide/understand scripture.