My name is Tujuana Harris, a.k.a IAM TruthSeeker. For as long as I can remember I have been a lover of truth. I believe that my love for truth developed as a result of being raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We referred to the religion as God's one true organization and being part of it meant that we were "in the truth." When I left 20 years ago, although I have looked back many times, I ultimately decided that the religion was not for me.
My presence on YouTube stems from my desire to want to help others. The Witness religion is very toxic and most of the people in it do not realize its effects until they have stepped away and looked back objectively. I hope that by telling my story and sharing the many things I have learned along the way, people will find insight, inspiration, and the courage to walk away from what I have now come to realize is most definitely NOT "the truth."
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