

Continuation Early Church Ministry Of The Gospel according to Apostle Paul. Do you feel disappointed or withdrawn from your expectations of this World? The Bible makes clear the desires of this world will never make us complete, only the love of Christ. Sinful living is turmoil, our sin will find us out. We all have fallen short of God's glory. Have you been convicted of your sins? and realize the Devil rules of this world, who aims to deceive us to hell. It may take away our pride, happiness & may feel a sense of disappointment, & hard to admit, But we need our Father who art in heaven. We need the Truth, which is in God's Word, The Holy Bible. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts. Jesus loves us (God's Children). God is loving and only he fulfils our futile hearts. Jesus died for our sins and rose again. We can overcome sin & death by faithful obedience to God's Word.