

Reconnecting Roots is a half-hour series hosted by Gabriel McCauley. Its purpose is to bridge (reconnect) the generational gap by portraying American Progress through music, culture, and history over the last 150 years while highlighting what values we may be losing as time goes on. ➡️ On the Reconnecting Roots YouTube Channel, we offer bite-size pieces from the series, allowing you to learn more on a specific subject without taking up too much of your time! The purpose of our videos is to reconnect the generational gap by portraying America’s progression through music, culture, and history over the past 150 years, analyzing what values and traditions we’ve lost over time. ➡️ We are a team of free thinkers inspired by American ideals, devoted to sharing stories that illuminate the past and guide us forward. We spark generational conversations and inspire learning through a TV show, music, podcasts, and more. So, make sure to subscribe to our channel to never miss a video! 🔔