

Reza Hasmath (Ph.D., Cambridge) is a Full Professor in Political Science at the University of Alberta. He has held faculty positions in management, sociology and political science at the Universities of Toronto, Melbourne and Oxford, and has worked for think-tanks, consultancies, development agencies, and NGOs in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and China. He is trained in philosophy, public policy, international studies and diplomacy, and social and political sciences. His award-winning research looks at: 1. The life course experiences, and public management, of ethnic minorities in global contexts. 2. State-society relationships in China, and how the activities of emerging actors affect salient theories, practices and assumptions in international development and global affairs. 3. The evolving behaviour of policy actors and citizens in authoritarian regimes. 4. Global sustainability, and ESG principles and practices. 5. The essentialist qualities of the self, community and state.