

Welcome to The Messed Up Church YouTube Channel! Check out TheMessedUpChurch.com, for a LOT more information. Many of the videos here are intended for people who are asking tough questions and who are looking for someone to tell them the truth. We sometimes make light of these false teachers because they are surrounded by an environment of total conformity, and to stay within that false narrative lends them further credibility. We want to give people a jolt of how deplorable these false teachers can be, because to treat them as people who simply have a different theological position isn't accurate. These are very deceitful and dangerous people and we're trying to poke a hole in their carefully contrived appearance. On top of that, we think it's healthy to laugh at the very dark subject matter at hand (not all the time, of course). Please listen to the many good sermons from our own pastor (Pastor Joshua Janke at Risen Savior Lutheran Church) to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!