

Looking for the latest news about Facebook, Tesla, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, YouTube and more? We've got all the latest breaking news about all the new tech breakthroughs in mobile, web, internet of things, search, computers, virtual reality and much, much more! Subscribe today! Or make your own videos at Wochit.com ABOUT WOCHIT Wochit produces broadcast-quality video as news breaks or topics start to trend. Web sites, mobile applications, news services, blogs and other publishing entities utilize the company's platform for new revenue opportunities and better audience engagement. By working with Wochit, large publishers economically scale production and increase speed to market, while small publishers, for the first time, can have what amounts to their own newsroom for video production. Backed by Redpoint Ventures, Cedar Fund and Greycroft Partners, Wochit is based in New York, with offices in Tel Aviv and London.