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Excess deaths

Dr. John Campbell
Published on 23 Dec 2023 / In News & Politics

Free download John’s textbooks in high res pdf. https://drjohncampbell.co.uk Check out Campbell's Physiology Notes Dr John Campbell Sold by author on eBay! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155780745424?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=K6raxMZrQnm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=K6raxMZrQnm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=EMAIL Excess deaths by week, 2023 https://data-explorer.oecd.org https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676 Australia, weeks 1 – 34, 2023 14,710 (16.8%) Covid deaths, 4,977 Australia, 2022, weeks 1 - 52 29,738 (18.7%) Australia, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 44,448 Austria, week 1 – 44, 2023 4,444 (6.5%) Canada, weeks 1 – 33, 2023 28,400 (16.7%) Covid deaths, 4,613 Canada, 2022 61,468 (22.3%) Canada, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 89,868 Denmark, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 3,052 (6.9%) Covid deaths, 347 Denmark, 2022 5,871 (11%) Denmark, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 8,923 Finland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 4,627 (10.5%) France, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 22,268 (4.9%) Covid deaths, 5,565 France, 2022 71,751 (11.9%) Germany, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 59,039 (7.7%) Germany, 2022 134, 578 (14.9%) Greece, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 5,132 (5.2%) Iceland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 209 (11.5%) Covid deaths, 0 Iceland, 2022 446 (20.2%) Israel, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 4,303 (11.8%) Covid deaths, 640 Israel, 2022 7,050 (15.4%) Italy, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 938 (0.28%) Netherlands, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 14,209 (11.3%) Netherlands, 2022 19,326 (13.2%) New Zealand, weeks, 1 – 44, 2023 3,960 (14.5%) New Zealand, 2022 5,787 (17.6%) Norway, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 1,885 (5.7%) Norway, 2022 4,980 (12.5%) Portugal, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 5,184 (6.3%) Spain, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 11,948 (3.7%) Switzerland, 1 – 44, 2023 2,063 (3.9%) UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 49,389 (9.44%) Covid deaths, 18,591 UK, 2022 52,514 (9.26%) UK excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 101,903 Height of the Blitz, September 1940 to May 1941 UK civilian deaths, 40,000 Total civilian deaths for WW2, 70,000 US, weeks 1 – 37, 2023 155,763 (7.8%) Covid deaths, 76,187 US, 2022 495,749 (17.53) US excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 651,512 Total US deaths in Vietnam war The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/how-many-americans-were-killed-in-the-vietnam-war.html Hungary, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -3,785 (-3.2%) Poland, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 104 (0.13%) Slovak republic, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 -774 (-1.54%) Sweden, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -529 (0.6%) COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Expired-untold-Dr-Clare-Craig/dp/1739344707 For friends in the US get your copy here, https://www.amazon.com/Expired-untold-Dr-Clare-Craig/dp/1739344707 This dataset presents the latest data on All-cause death statistics Excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths, by week, for all OECD countries for which data are available. The expected number of deaths is based on the average number of deaths for the same week, (2015-19) This baseline could be considered a lower estimate of the expected number of deaths since both population growth and an ageing population would be expected to push up the number of deaths observed each year. For example, New Zealand saw its population grow by around 9% since 2015, with the number of people aged 65 and over increasing by 18%.

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